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中国茶叶流通协会中茶协字[2017]122号各有关单位:为彰显与感谢长期以来对中国茶叶行业发展做出突出贡献的行业工作者,向全行业树立楷模,经研究,决定授予孙丹威、戎加升两位同志“中国茶叶行业终身成就奖”。希望全体茶叶界同仁以孙丹威、戎加升两位同志为榜样,热爱本职、刻苦钻研、努力工作,为中国茶产业的建设和发展贡献出自己的力量。 The relevant units of China Tea Circus Association [2017] No. 122: To highlight and thank industry workers who have made outstanding contributions to the development of China’s tea industry for a long time, they have set an example for the whole industry. After research and decision, they granted Sun Danwei, Rong plus two comrades “China Tea Industry Lifetime Achievement Award ”. I hope all the tea sector colleagues take Sun Dangwei and Rong Jia Sheng as their example, love their jobs, study hard and work hard to contribute their efforts to the construction and development of the tea industry in China.
摘 要:在当前数学教学中,学生在学习数学时问题意识不强,缺乏主动思考的能力,所以在初中数学教学中培养学生的问题意识十分重要。学生在学习过程中,只有不断地思考问题、发现问题,并努力解决问题,才是获得知识的正确途径,才有利于数学学习的创新和综合素质的提高。在数学教学中增强学生的问题意识,则要求教师在教学中结合数学学科教学的特点,充分引导学生进行独立思考,发掘学生学习数学的潜力,培养学习数学的兴趣,让学