功名皆一戏 未觉负平生——米南宫之《苕溪诗卷》赏析

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米芾(1051~1107),中国北宋书法家、画家、书画理论家。初名黻,后改芾,字元章,号襄阳居士、海岳山人等。善诗,工书法,擅篆、隶、楷、行、草诸体,长于临摹古人书法,达到乱真程度。初师欧阳询、柳公权,字体紧结,笔画挺拔劲健,后转师王羲之、王献之,体势展拓,笔致浑厚爽劲,自谓“刷 Mi 芾 (1051 ~ 1107), calligrapher, painter and calligrapher of Northern Song Dynasty in China. The first name 黻, after the change 芾, character chapter, Xiangyang lay, such as Hai Yue Shan. Good poetry, calligraphy, good seal, Li, Kai, line, grass all over the body, longer than copying the calligraphy of the ancients, to spurious degree. Fundamentals of Ouyang inquiry, Liu Gongquan, tighten the font, strokes Jinqian strokes, after the transfer Wang Xizhi, Wang Xianzhi, physical development extension, pen vigorous cool, since the ”brush"