在基督教的信仰中 ,上帝从虚无中创造了世界 ,世界万物对上帝有着绝对的依赖性。范型论是基督教的柏拉图 -奥古斯丁主义的一种独特理论 ,其主旨就在于理解创造的本质 ,理解受造物与上帝的关系。波纳文图拉是中世纪与托马斯·阿奎那齐名的大神学家和哲学家 ,他将范型论作为理解创造本质的钥匙 ,将它看作是整个形而上学的核心。在思想上他对当时新兴的亚里士多德主义持批判接受的态度 ,而追随柏拉图 -奥古斯丁主义路线 ;他通过对柏拉图理念论的改造 ,将奥古斯丁主义的范型理论发展到顶峰。
In Christian faith, God created the world from nothingness, and everything in the world has an absolute dependence upon God. The paradigm theory is a unique theory of Christian Plato-Augustinism whose essence is to understand the essence of creation and to understand the relationship between creation and God. Bonaventura, a medieval theologian and philosopher of Thomas Aquinas, used the theory of paradigm as the key to understanding the essence of creation and regarded it as the core of the whole metaphysics. In his thinking, he held a critically accepted attitude towards the then emerging Aristotelianism and followed the Platonic-Augustinian line. He developed the paradigm of Augustine’s paradigm paradigm to its peak by rebuilding Platonic theory.