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近一两年,收到过几位从政官员的赠书,还参加其中两三人的作品研讨会,有诗词、有散文、仔细翻翻,还有一定的艺术品位。这些人有的坚持了十几年,甚至几十年,并非全是附庸风雅,而是有一种文学情结,他们把大部分的业余时间用来打造文学,自得其乐,也以此为荣。再认真研究一下,发现这些“文官”有几点共同之处,一是喜欢结交文化朋友.尊重人才,平等待人,官气比较少;二是比较注意形象,为官比较正,想给老百姓办点实事,忧国忧民;三是不良嗜好少,对拉拉扯扯,跑关系走后门,要官买官等腐败现象比较讨厌,对迎来送往、吃吃喝喝一套不感兴趣,对金钱名利也比较淡泊……中国历史上是读书做官,学而优则仕,四书 In the past year or two, he has received several books from government officials and participated in two or three of his work seminars. He has poetry, essays, careful translations, and certain artistic qualities. Some of these people persevered for more than a decade or even decades, not all artwork, but a literary complex. They took most of their spare time to create literature, enjoy themselves, and take pride in it. Then carefully study and found that these “civil official ” What are the similarities, one is like to make friends of culture. Respect for talent, treat people equally, less official style; the second is more attention to the image, the official is more positive, want to give People do something practical, worry about the country; third is less bad hobby, pulling pull, run the relationship to go back door, to buy official corruption and other officials more annoying, welcome us, eating and drinking is not interested, money fame and fortune Also relatively indifferent ...... Chinese history is to study as an official, learning and excellent official, four books
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