【摘 要】
提到“毒蛇”,大多数人都会不寒而栗,但是你知道吗,毒蛇的毒液也可以攻克癌症。看看下面这篇文章就知道了。 澳大利亚是世界上10种最致命毒蛇的故乡。这几种毒蛇中的任何一种咬你一口就能致你于死地。但是将来的某一天,它们的毒液可能挽救你的生命。
Will Smith, 37, is something more than clothes and quips1. What we always sense about the Wise Guy is that he’s essentially2 a Sweet Guy, eager to learn, eager to please, eager to be heroically helpfu
(It’s 6 p.m. on thanksgiving Day at the Clarks’ apartment. Jeff, Mia, Lori and Heidi are just sitting down to eat a big Thanksgiving dinner.) Heidi:Wow, what a feast1! Turkey, potatoes, stuffing...
In the early 1930’s, teenager John Arata and his brother Clarence began planting pumpkin seeds. One day when the Arata brothers were hauling some of their pumpkins along Highway to go back to the farm
Find out if you’re style-obsessed, effort-lessly fabulous or carefree with couture. Your idea of a perfect day is: a. Hanging out with friends at the mall, finding a great new pair of earrings an
Most of us are taller than our parents, who probably are taller than their parents. But in the Netherlands, the generational1 progression has reached new heights. In the last 150 years, the Dutch have
There is a man who I’d like to tell you about. His name is Sandy Greenberg. In his youth, Sandy was a very good student, but he came from a poor family. And so he went to Columbia University on a scho
爱不单单是一种心甘情愿的行为,爱还可以在每一次的施予过程中获得重生,我们用爱出色地扮演着我们生活中的角色——为人夫,为人父,为人子。 在驱车前往海滨休假别墅的途中,我暗自发誓在两个星期内,我要努力做一个好丈夫和好爸爸,我会全身心地去爱妻子和孩子,不讲条件,不讨价还价。这个念头是我在听车载收音机时冒出来的。主持人说:“爱是一种心甘情愿的行为,一个人可以主动去爱。”
对于自己的问题和缺陷一笑而过,对于困难烦恼一笑而过,其实快乐自己可以主宰。我笑故我快乐,试着用这种豁达积极的人生态度而对一切事情,做一个最快乐的人。 按照心理学家威廉·詹姆斯的观点,我们不是因为快乐才笑,而是因为笑才快乐。最快乐的人是那些知道如何去经常笑并且笑得开心的人。
说句实在话,我们也许已记不清自己一生中参加过多少次舞会,相逢过多少位漂亮姑娘。但对我来说,最楚楚动人的就是我的妈妈。她是我人生舞台上最完美的那位舞伴。在她的呵护下,我渐渐长大,成熟…… 在我少年时,每逢学校有舞会,妈妈总是替我准备好一切。她帮我擦亮鞋子、熨平衬衫、挑选与蓝色运动夹克相匹配的合适的领带,以及确保我额前的那一绺蓬乱的头发不竖起来,即使是在我用威特妮护发素抹过之后。“你看起来真帅!”她