
来源 :天津体育学院学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yingchaoya
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【正】 体育社会学是以体育这一社会文化现象为客体,力图使体育合理化、科学化的一门社会学科。社会调查是体育社会学方法的核心,通过调查表(问卷)施行调查是社会调查的基本形式,“调查表(问卷)是成功的一半”。此观点颇有道理。一份设计科学的
The hidden symmetry and integrability of the long-short wave equation in (2+1) dimensions are considered using the prolongation approach. The internal algebraic
Based on the computerized symbolic Maple, we study two important nonlinear evolution equations, i.e., the Hirota equation and the (1+1)-dimensional dispersive l
We study the Dirac and the Klein-Gordon oscillators in a noncommutative space. It is shown that the Klein-Gordon oscillator in a noncommutative space has a simi
We discuss the observability of the non-universal bosons Z′ predicted by topcolor-assisted technicolor(TC2) models in the near future high-energy linear e^+e^-
The K-nucleus differential elastic scattering cross section for 12C and 40 Ca at pκ = 800 Me V/c is calculated with three momentum-dependent optical potential
<正> 最近我们对武汉市小型商业企业试行租赁经营作了调查,全市租赁承包经营责任制发展很快,全市城区共有国营小型商业企业726户,已采取“改租”形式放开的650户,占89.6%。其
<正> 一、信息竞争。以快、准、全面及时取胜;二、品种竞争。要不断推陈出新,以新取胜;三、质量竞争。生产的产品信得过,要以新取胜;四、价格竞争。要以廉取胜;五,服务竞争。
We describe a theoretical scheme that allows for transfer of quantum states of atomic collective excitation between two macroscopic atomic ensembles localized i
We show that for n-dimensional complex fractional Fourier transform the corresponding complex fractional Radon transform can also be derived, however, it is dif
【正】 体育院校图书馆的重要任务是为教学服务,教学参考书是保证教学活动的重要条件。目前各学科门类不断增加,新技术、新知识、新观点、新成果不断涌现。在这种情况下,教学