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隋文帝(杨坚)开皇9年(公元589年)正月,吴州(州治今江苏省扬州市)总管贺若弼奉诏率军出广陵(广陵郡,今江苏扬州地区),自瓜州渡江,攻陈朝之京口。渡江作战发起前,贺若弼买了许多船只,并悄悄地把这些船只隐蔽起来,只是把五六十只破船置于水道里。陈朝守江防的将士发现后,以为隋军没有什么船只,只靠这几只破船是打不过江来的。于是就放松了警惕。与此同时,贺若弼命令他的江防军队,在每次轮换时,先到广陵集中,大列旗帜,遍设营幕,给人造成一种大军云集的感觉。江南岸的陈军发现后,开始以为是隋军大至,便紧急发兵戒备。后来弄清隋军是在换防,就松了一口气,把调集来的军队分别撤走。贺若弼见陈军对他的军队调动不存介意,又进一步麻痹、懈怠对方,派出一些兵马沿江不时行猎。陈军对此 Sui Wendi (Yang Jian) ​​Kaip Wong 9 years (AD 589) lunar January, Wuzhou (governor today in Yangzhou City, Jiangsu Province) He Ruobi Fengzhao led troops out of Guangling (Guangling County, Jiangsu Yangzhou today), from Guazu crossing, Chen attack of Beijing’s mouth. Prior to the crossing of the river, He Ruiti bought many ships and quietly hidden the ships, leaving only fifty or sixty broken ships in the waterways. When Chen Zhao Shou Jiang defenders were found, they thought there were no ships of Sui Jun. Only these few broken ships could not beat Jiang. So relax on alert. At the same time, He Ruobi ordered his Jiang-bian armies to first concentrate on Guangling and set forth their banner at the time of each rotation. This created a feeling of army gathering. After the discovery of Chen Jun on the south bank of the Yangtze River, he began to think that it was an Sui Junzhi and he was ready to send his troops for emergency preparations. Later, it was relieved that the SUI was relieved and the army mobilized was withdrawn separately. He Ruobu see Chen Jun on his army mobilization does not mind, but also further paralysis, slack each other, sent some troops and horses along the river from time to time hunting. Chen Jun on this
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