1945年8月15日,曾不可一世、猖獗一时的日本帝国主义末日来临。此时,大批日本军国主义狂热分子纷纷自杀毙命,充当了最后遗臭万年的一批殉葬品,据对这些自杀毙命者的不完全统计: 陆军方面,有将官30人、佐官49人、尉官105人、下士官104人、士兵88人、军属18人,共计394人;海军方面,有将官4人、佐官25人、尉官37人、下士官41人、士兵6人、军属13人,共计126人;其他方面,有护士3人,身份不明者3人。总计526人。
On August 15, 1945, the end of the imperialist Japanese imperialism came. At this time, a large number of Japanese militarist zealots committed suicide and served as a series of funeral articles that lasted for thousands of years. According to incomplete statistics on these suicides, there are 30 officers, 49 officers, and 105 eunuchs in the army. There were 104 lower and lower non-commissioned officers, 88 soldiers, and 18 members of the military, totaling 394. In the navy, there were 4 officers, 25 officers, 37 officers, 37 officers, 41 officers, 6 soldiers, 13 soldiers, and 126 soldiers. People; other aspects, there are 3 nurses, 3 were unknown. A total of 526 people.