Control of group of mobile autonomous agents via local strategies

来源 :Journal of Control Theory and Applications | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zhang514409411
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This paper considers the formation control problem of multi-agent systems in a distributed fashion. Two cases of the information propagating topologies among multiple agents, characterized by graphics model, are considered. One is fixed topology. The other is switching topology which represents the limited and less reliable information exchange. The local formation control strategies established in this paper are based on a simple modification of the existing consensus control strategies. Moreover, some existing convergence conditions are shown to be a special case of our model even in the continuous-time consensus case. Therefore, the results of this paper extend the existing results about the consensus problem. This paper considers the formation control problem of multi-agent systems in a distributed fashion. Two cases of the information propagating topologies among multiple agents, characterized by graphics model, are considered. One other is switching topology which represents the limited and less reliable information exchange. The local formation control strategies established in this paper are based on a simple modification of the existing consensus control strategies. Moreover, some existing convergence conditions are shown to be a special case of our model even in the continuous-time consensus case. Therefore, the results of this paper extend the existing results about the consensus problem.
【主要贡献和实践】叶圣陶先生从事教育工作近80个春秋,他的基础教育思想、语文教育思想是中国教育理论宝库中的重要组成部分。他还是人民教育出版社的创始人。 【Major Con
乔布斯的粗暴行为完全是个例外,毫发无损,且越骂越勇,为什么?更关键的是,如果“粗暴”是一种领导力,乔布斯何以化粗暴为神奇?     如果评一个全球粗暴CEO榜,乔布斯绝对是名列榜首者。就像一位研究苹果的专业人士所说,乔布斯通常有双重面孔:一张是迷人、热诚的传教士脸孔,另一张则是冷硬、冲动、口无遮拦的臭臉。但是,一个很有意思的现象是,一般CEO的“粗暴”会酿成品牌大祸,而乔布斯的粗暴行为却完全是个例