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香菇菌丝在段木中生育,一般要经6~8个月才长出子实体。我厂于80年5月中旬试验同一段木中混种银耳和香菇,于同年9月4日就有二根菇木出菇,至27日止,陆续出菇5个,并有多根菇木出现第三次菌丝。经检查,直径10厘米的2根菇木,菌丝均已深入到心材。这样从接种到出菇仅3个半月左右,说明小径段木种菇可以缩短出菇期。据我们分析,小径段木出菇早的原因有:①采用了适应性强、产量高的中温型良种7402号菌种,因而日平均气温在20℃左右时就能出菇。②所用段木是小径枫树,长1米、直径3~8厘米,边材发达,组织疏松,有利菌丝生长发育。③搭棚遮阴,菇木排成井字形,通风透光好。④同银耳混栽,用薄膜复盖,经常喷水,菌丝生长迅速。⑤混栽菇木采收银耳时,每隔7~8天要翻动一次菇木,可使发菌一致.而翻 Mushroom mycelium growth in the wood, usually after 6 to 8 months to grow an entity. I plant in mid-May 80 to test the same wood mixed with white fungus and mushrooms, on September 4 in the same year there are two mushrooms fruiting, until the 27th, one after another fruiting, and a number of mushrooms Wood appeared third mycelium. After examination, the diameter of 10 cm 2 mushrooms, mycelium have been deep into the heartwood. This from inoculation to fruiting only 3 and a half months, indicating that the small section of wood species mushrooms can shorten the fruiting period. According to our analysis, there are some reasons for early growth of M. officinale: (1) Adapted strain 7402, a mid-temperature good cultivar with high adaptability and high yield, can produce fruiting body when the average daily temperature is about 20 ℃. The section wood is a small maple tree, 1 meter long, 3 to 8 cm in diameter, sapwood developed, loose tissue, favorable mycelium growth and development. ③ scaffolding Shade, Mushrooms arranged in a well shape, good ventilation and light. ④ mixed with white fungus, covered with a film, often water, mycelium grow rapidly. ⑤ mixed mushroom harvest Tremella, every 7 to 8 days to flip mushrooms, can make the bacteria consistent.
任何事物都具有两面性,就连日常生活中一些公认的坏习惯也有利于身体健康的一面。下面就来看看为大家列举的11个这样的“坏习惯”。   1.合理发怒有益血压   没错,生气会让人血压上升。但美国卡内基梅隆大学的研究发现,在压抑的情况下恰当地以愤怒回应,血压不但会维持正常水平,制造压力感的激素——皮质醇的分泌量也会相应减少。   心理学研究表明,愤怒让人多了一份积极的心态和掌控感。该出手时不出手,畏缩不前
勋章花原产南非,属菊科多年生花卉。花径6—10cm不等,在凉爽环境中自春至秋开花不断,尤以秋季更为浓艳。花色变化多,因其形颇似因功受奖的勋章,故名“勋章花” Medal Flowe