在采访过程中我想起了自己以前读 过的一个故事,故事的叙述者是一个在“文革”时期成长起来的小姑娘,她说那个特殊的时代自己四十多岁的母亲在处境堪虞时竟跑去上电大拿来了一个物理专业文凭.花了整整五年时间。她那时一直没有理解为什么从美国留学归来的母亲还要辛辛苦苦地
During the interview, I remembered a story I had read before. The narrator of the story was a young girl who grew up during the “Cultural Revolution.” She said that in her special age, her 40s mother was in trouble Actually went to power a large diploma in physics. It took a full five years. At that time, she did not understand why the mother returned from studying in the United States still had to work hard