For the interpretation of limestone climate, many geologists share the common view that it mainly represents the warm water environment. In fact, this notion is not necessarily correct because the key factor that determines whether a limestone is formed at or near the depth of the nearshore is the rate and dilution of terrigenous sediments, rather than the temperature of the water . However, due to the lowest occurrence of carbonate in cold climates, the abundance of calcium carbonate and the thickness of carbonate accumulation in the high latitudes tend to be minimal. In this respect, modern shelves and beaches can not serve as a good model for the comparison of cold-water carbonate and warm-water carbonate because of the widespread continental basement of the continent, the recent rise and fall of the sea surface and the presence of modern ice caps in the polar regions. In particular, the impact of climate on non-reef shelves and beaches can not be distinguished by the presence or absence of some major populations. In this respect, the diversity and adaptability of animals makes sense. The lack of inorganic carbonate precipitation, microcrystalline limestone inclusions, and spherulites within the shelf depth also indicate that the rock was formed in cold water. The oxygen isotopes and mineralogical characteristics of some non-recrystallized carbonates may be good paleoclimatic indicators; however, the trace elements and physical structural characteristics of carbonate components may not be sensitive to changes in temperature. Previous studies of the continental shelf in the high latitudes have focused only on the abundance of calcareous material, and the amount of data on carbonate studies in low latitudes seems disproportionate. Further research on cold-water carbonates may open up new avenues for paleoenvironmental and paleoclimate interpretation.