
来源 :中国卫生法制 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xuesuifeng
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1、案情1994年6月4日,我站3名食品卫生监督员在某饮料总公司进行监督检查时,发现该公司生产的芒果汁饮料装璜标志上印有“××地区防疫站监制”的文字(以下简称,“监制”),当即进行了现场调查取证。该公司在未经我站许可,未达成任何协议的情况下,于1994年5月27日至30日在其生产的1171箱芒果汁饮料的装璜标志上印制了“监制”标志,其中538箱已销往外地及本地区县市。对此,我站以该公司违反食品卫生法第二十三条规定,下达了卫食监字(94)第50号卫生行政控制决定书,封存了库存的670箱印有“监制”文字的芒果汁饮料。2、诉讼该公司以营利为目的,未经我站许可,擅自冒用我站名义生产制造饮料,并大量销售,严重侵犯了我站的名称权,败坏了我站的声誉;为其印制标识的× 1, the case June 4, 1994, I stop three food hygiene supervisors in a beverage company supervision and inspection, found that the company’s mango juice beverage decoration logo printed on the “× × regional epidemic prevention station producer ”(Hereinafter referred to as “ producer ”), immediately conducted a field investigation and evidence collection. The company printed “Flag” on the decoration signs of its 1171 boxes of mango juice drinks produced by it between 27 May and 30 May 1994 without any agreement from me. , Of which 538 boxes have been sold to the field and counties in the region. In response, I stand in the company in violation of Article 23 of the Food Sanitation Law, issued a Wei Shi Jian Xing (94) No. 50 health administrative control decision, sealed 670 boxes of stock printed with Mango juice drink for text. 2, the lawsuit for the company for profit for the purpose, without my permission, unauthorized use of the name of my station to make beverage manufacturing, and a large number of sales, a serious violation of my station name, corrupted my station’s reputation; for its production Marked ×
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浮出水面的山寨手机在挑战政府的产业政策,也在印证一种经济发展模式。 Faced with the cottage mobile phone challenge the government’s industrial policy, but also c