“Zuo Zhuan” also known as “Zuo Chunqiu” “Spring and Autumn Zushi Biography.” “Zuo Zhuan” is both an ancient Han historian and masterpiece of literature, and is the earliest chronicle of Chinese history, which was handed down by Zuo Qiu-ming, a historian of Lu State in the late spring and autumn. Zuo Zhuan is also the first large-scale narrative in China. Its narrative ability shows astonishing development. Its language is refined and its essays are beautiful. Its narrative technique has always been praised. Apart from narrating and interpreting ideas, artistic achievement is also very high. It is a model of the perfect combination of ancient Chinese literature and history, and has a profound impact on the writing of historical books, novels and drama. Among them, the study of Zuo Zhuan often tended to be of literary value, and there were few studies on the design aesthetics. This article discusses the beauty of the objects involved and the beauty of creating from the aspects of functional beauty, material beauty and technical beauty in the aesthetic dimension of Zuozhuan design.