Mechanisms and Techniques of Agroforestry Ecosystem on Snail Control and Schistosomiasis Prevention

来源 :Chinese Forestry Science and Technology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lee_liuyun02
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Schistosomiasis, an important parasitic disease, is severely harmful to human health in China. The beach along the Yangtze River is a important habitat of snail that is Schistosomiasis’s only intermediate host. The program of afforesting for wiping out snail (Oncomelania hupensisi) and Schistosomiasis, comprehensive administration and exploitation of the three kinds of beaches proposed by Peng Zhenhua and Jiang Zehui is a pioneering work based on the ecological and economic theory. The development process of forestry for snail control and Schistosomiasis prevention is reviewed, and mechanisms and major afforesting techniques are summarized in this paper. Schistosomiasis, an important parasitic disease, is severely harmful to human health in China. The beach along the Yangtze River is a important habitat of snail that is Schistosomiasis’s only intermediate host. The program for afforesting for wiping out snail (Oncomelania hupensisi) and Schistosomiasis, comprehensive administration and exploitation of the three kinds of beaches proposed by Peng Zhenhua and Jiang Zehui is a pioneering work based on the ecological and economic theory. The development process of forestry for snail control and Schistosomiasis prevention is reviewed, and mechanisms and major afforesting techniques are summarized in this paper.
AIM: To investigate the distribution of HBV genotypes and their YMDD mutations in Guangxi Zhuang population, China, and to study the relationship between HBV ge
从前,有一只可爱的绒布熊,它的名字叫小顽童。  当他还是崭新的时候,他的耳朵上挂着一块小牌子,上面写着“小顽童”三个字。于是绒布熊的小主人就这么叫他。不过,这是很久以前的事情了。这个孩子现在已经长大上学去了。当然,时光的流逝在小顽童的身上也留下了许多痕迹。他身上有的地方打上了补丁,由于经常梳洗,绒毛也已经磨坏了。  因此大部分时间小顽童都坐在沙发角上,这是专门给他安排的地方。他常常坐在这里发呆,白
我家有一只可爱的小兔,我可喜欢它了!远看,它的身子像雪球;近看,它有两只大耳朵和一双如红宝石一样的眼睛。我给它取名为“红眼”。它的尾巴像一个绒线团;它的四条腿很短,跑步却快着呢!更厉害的是,它可以从椅子上一跳就跳到我的书桌上。  我来说说它的趣事吧!有一次,我准备把它放回兔子窝,可是,却找不到它了。我在家里仔细找了一圈,发现它竟然被卡在书桌与墙的缝隙里了!我被逗得哈哈大笑,一边笑,一边把它弄出来。