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职称改革从1986年开始实施专业技术职务评聘工作以来,取得了令人瞩目的成绩,但也存在着一些问题。一是制度不够完善。特别是人才评价与工资的待遇挂钩过紧,扭曲了评价的科学性和公正性。把资格和职务混为一体,造成了人才密集单位的很多人失去评价的机会,而人才缺乏的地方又降格以求,引发了一系列矛盾和问题;二是评审条件不硬化,各系列的特点不明晰,忽视了系列之间的区别和特点。在评价条件上,呈现两硬(学历、资历)两软(水平、业绩),使有学历、有资历但业绩平平的人,能顺利通过评审;而学历资历差一些,但业绩较强的人,则难以通过,降低了评价质量,导致在评价中论资排辈;三是管理方法不够科学。宏观控制不力,微观管得过细。对不同性质的系列,采取了基本相同的管理办法,没有体现系列自身的特点;四是评价的方法较单一,用评委会评审的方法难免失真。国家人事部门经过较长时间的调查研究和探索,初步思路是:搞好宏观调控和指导,进一步下放权力,按照各类专业技术人才成长的不同规律,逐步形成各具特色的管理方式。 Since the title reform began in 1986, it has made remarkable achievements, but there are also some problems. First, the system is not perfect. In particular, the evaluation of talents is closely linked with the treatment of wages, distorting the scientific and fair evaluation. The combination of qualifications and positions created a lot of opportunities for people in intensive units to lose their chances of evaluation while the lack of qualified personnel downgraded their demands, triggering a series of contradictions and problems. Second, the review conditions were not scrambled and the characteristics of the series Not clear, ignoring the differences and characteristics between the series. In the evaluation conditions, showing two hard (academic, seniority) two soft (level, performance), so that have qualifications, qualifications but average performance of the people successfully passed the assessment; and academic qualifications worse, but the performance of people , It is difficult to pass, reducing the quality of evaluation, leading to seniority in the evaluation; third is not enough scientific management. Poor macro control, microscopic tube too small. The different types of series, has taken the same basic management practices, did not reflect the characteristics of the series itself; Fourth, the evaluation method is more single, with the jury review method is inevitable distortion. After a long period of investigation and research and exploration by the national personnel department, the initial thinking is: do a good job of macro-control and guidance, further decentralize power and gradually form distinctive management methods according to the different laws governing the growth of various specialized technical personnel.
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世界各国都十分重视整顿交通秩序,规范驾驶员的行为。对交通违章行为都有各自的规定: 闯红灯 对闯红灯者,瑞典罚款100美元,瑞士175美元,日本400美元,法国最低1000美元,英国
厌氧菌感染的重要性已倍受重视,国外Stone 报道外科感染中88%系厌氧菌所致。国内曾报告厌氧菌占腹部感染菌种的60.7%,在阑尾脓肿和阑尾切除后切口化脓中占70.6%。通常所指的