年过半百的工程师老李,来南京总医院口腔科就诊时问:“以前医生都说我的牙齿好,但近半年来,我的牙齿一吃冷、热、酸、甜的食物就痛,什么也不能吃,这是怎么回事?是不是得了‘牙癌’……?” 医生给他作了详细检查,发现他的上下牙的颈部,均有不同程度的磨损凹沟,用探针检查时触痛明显,其余无异常。医生说:“你没有‘牙癌’,而是由于长期不正确的刷牙(拉锯式的横刷),导致牙颈部楔状缺损并发的牙齿过敏。” 给予治疗后上述症状逐渐消失。
Over 50 years old engineer Li Li came to Nanjing General Hospital to visit his department of dentistry and asked: “In the past, doctors said my teeth were good, but for the past six months, my teeth ate cold, hot, sour and sweet food, Can not eat anything, what's going on? Did he get a tooth cancer? ... ”The doctor gave him a detailed examination and found that the upper and lower teeth of his neck, have varying degrees of wear groove, Needle examination obvious tenderness, the rest without exception. “You do not have dental cancer,” the doctor said, “but because of long-term incorrect brushing (see-saw horizontal brushing) that leads to dental hyperalgesia in the wedge-shaped dentition.” The symptoms disappeared after treatment.