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一提到高中数学,很多学生都会觉得困难,觉得自己很努力了依然无法取得满意的效果。其实,高中数学的难仅在于分支众多,并且枝繁叶茂。每一个分支都可以衍生出一门专门的学问,这些在大学都会有对相应的系统去研究,但是放在高中,略知皮毛却又不可能挖得太深,大概地了解不足以彻底追溯根本,于是一知半解的情况比较多,从而使学生在学习的过程中不得要领。那么此时就需要授业者真的可以在有限的范围内解惑,于是对于高中数学老师的要求也就相应比较高,既不能把大学的知识太多地强加在高中,又要在有限的知识范围内尽可能地让学生觉得接受起来不是特别困难,高中数学课堂教学确实是一门艺术。 When you mention high school mathematics, many students will find it difficult to feel that they have worked hard and still cannot achieve satisfactory results. In fact, the difficulty of high school mathematics lies in the fact that it has many branches and flourishes. Each branch can be derived from a specific knowledge, these universities will have to study the corresponding system, but in high school, with a slight understanding of the fur can not be dug too deep, about understanding is not enough to thoroughly trace the root Therefore, there are many situations where there is little knowledge, so that students are not allowed to learn in the process of learning. At this time, it is necessary for the practitioners to really be able to solve doubts within a limited range. Therefore, the requirements for high school mathematics teachers are correspondingly higher. They can neither impose the knowledge of the university too much on the high school nor on the limited knowledge. It is not particularly difficult for students to accept as much as possible within the scope. High school mathematics classroom teaching is indeed an art.
“十年树木,百年树人”,踏上三尺讲台,笔者满怀对教师职业的崇敬和热爱,也就意味着踏上了艰巨而漫长的“育人之旅”。踏出校门,进入到教师这一神圣的职业已经三十多年了,一直担任班主任工作,这些年里我深感责任重大而光荣,同时也感到了教育经验的不足。怎样才能做一名好教师呢?我认为,踏实工作,让教育充满爱,热爱学生,尊重学生是教师最基本的道德素养。  从教三十多年来,在平凡的岗位上,我没有什么惊人之举,只是默