陈延杰《诗品注》于 1 92 7年由开明书局出版以后 ,即受到同行学者的严厉批评。1 961年 ,作者在旧注的基础上作了较全面的修订 ,由人民文学出版社重排印行。以后 ,又不断重版。但它仍是一本错误颇多 ,很不规范的著作。似人民文学出版社这样的代表国家水准的出版单位 ,若再不断印行这样的著作也就不合“改革开放”的时宜了。因此 ,人文版《诗品注》应当重作。新版《诗品注》的主要问题有三 :第一是注释的讹误疏漏 ;第二是文献征引的不合规范 ;第三是文字校勘的疏失。新的《诗品注》本 ,应当在吸收国内外最新研究成果的基础上纠正这些错误
Chen Yanjie’s poetic notes were severely criticized by fellow scholars after they were published by Kaiming Book Bureau in 1927. In 1961, the author made a more comprehensive revision on the basis of the old note, which was rearranged and printed by People’s Literature Publishing House. Later, they continue to reprint. But it is still a book that has many errors and is not normative. A publishing unit like the People’s Literature Publishing House, which represents the national standard, will not meet the requirements of “reform and opening up” if it continues to print such books. Therefore, the humanistic version of “poetry note” should be reworked. There are three main problems in the new edition of “Poem Notes”: the first is the omission of the annotation; the second is the non-conformity cited by the literature; and the third is the negligence of the text collation. The new book, “The Book of Poetry,” should correct these mistakes on the basis of absorbing the latest research results at home and abroad