The task of group building is to study how a group of robots can construct a brick structure with geometric shapes in parallel by decentralized control.Compared with other tasks in group robotics, group building research pays special attention to the coordination of space-time in the building process.As an example, Media, the Stigmergy is considered to be more general and universal.Traditional methods develop complex rules by simultaneously sensing multiple neighborhood information or using structural symmetry, but it is not very suitable for non-modular structures and Sequence structure.This paper proposed a Stigmergic group based on individual assessment ability to build a space-time coordination mechanism, which can simplify the dependence on the building rules by giving individuals the ability to sense the environment and assess the current state of the system, that is, the individual is easy to use Set up rules to complete the task of group building, to achieve space-time coordination of group building process.The simulation results show that the proposed mechanism is feasible and effective.