胡祥璧,英文名Hsiang-pih Hu,1913年6月2日生于上海市,原籍江西兴国瑶岗脑,2001年5月27日卒于北京。胡祥璧出生在一个高级军官家庭,父亲胡谦曾任黄埔军校教育长。他在广州培道小学和培正小学完成小学学业,升入培正中学读到初中三年级,1927年随母亲迁往上海,在上海大夏中学初中毕业后又念完高一,转到沪江中学完成中学学业。1931年考入中央大学农学院畜牧兽医系,1935年毕业,获农学学
Hu Xiangbi, English name Hsiang-pih Hu, was born in Shanghai on June 2, 1913 and is a native of Jiangxi Xingguo Yaogangnao. He died in Beijing on May 27, 2001. Hu Xiangbi was born in a senior military family, his father Hu Qian Huang Whampoa Military Education. He completed elementary school in Guangzhou Peitou Primary School and Peizheng Primary School, entered Peizheng Middle School and was admitted to the third grade of junior high school. In 1927, he moved to Shanghai with his mother. After graduating from Shanghai Middle School, he returned to Shanghai Jiang secondary school to complete secondary school. In 1931 admitted to the Central University College of Agriculture Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Medicine, graduated in 1935, won agronomy