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  80年的我们大多是独生子女,一边面对着父母祖辈们喋喋不休的关爱,一边被灌输要独立要成熟的使命。然而,我们在朋友中找到另一个自己。Parent, child, woman, man, 可以相互在这些角色中自如交替的,才是真正的朋友。
  Cherishment is the essence of friendship. It falls somewhere between love, consideration, and reliance. And it’s what everybody in the world wants.
  Your friend is the one who can hear this cry of 2)incredulity and comfort you. By being there, by letting you be a child asking for help. With your friend, you can revisit and work through your disap­pointments, get back in balance, restore your trust in people’s goodness.
  A deep friendship is 3)therapeutic. With a friend, you trust that if one day you are exhausted and harassed, the next you can be depended upon and dependable. When you are asking your friend for support, you are at the same time expecting to give it—and feeling able to give it because you have asked for and received it. Because the basic dependent-depend­able roles shift easily in a friendship, other roles can shift. So friendships have a 4)flu­idity other relationships may lack. Adult playfulness is promoted: You be the parent, I’ll be the child! You be the woman, I’ll be the man! No meter is running when friends take turns; it happens 5)spontaneously.

  The readiness to play different parts is a 6)manifestation of the freedom you have in a relationship that allows you to be yourself, to discover yourself, to develop. Ideally, unlike most parents, who have an investment in their children being mir­ror themselves, your friend recognizes and honors the goals you’ve set for yourself without imposing her own.
  A friendship can come apart if one or the other of the friends is untrue to the bond or to what they have in common—their group, their cause, a moral 7)precept they have accepted. Friendships can also come undone because one or the other of the friends has been uncherishing or fallen into envy of the cherishment the other is getting. Renewing the friendship then requires forgiveness. Our expectation to be sweetly and 8)indulgently loved 9)is bound to be 10)frus­trated at times, no matter how caring a friend may be. But good friendships have a built-in cure for lapses and shortfalls. A good friend will tell you when you have been uncherish­ing—and she will tell you in a cherishing way so that you will be able to hear her.

  Friends who have cultivated a rela­tionship over time do the cherishing work-and-play that is friendship’s essence with­out self-consciousness or 11)straining. They operate with their version of the 12)intuitive ease and 13)reciprocity that, in the best of all possible worlds, mothers and babies have with each other. Friends who have found each other become a whole greater than their parts.
  Within friendship you can practice, safely and freely, the 14)ingredients of cherishment you need in all relation­ships—at home, at work, in the world. Your friendship becomes a standard to live up to, and your friendship can be an example to others. Cultivated well, friendships seed beyond themselves; a culture can grow from them. Imagine! Cherishment culture.

我想以我观察到的一个现象开场。那就是如果说去年一年我学到了些什么,那就是……那是个极端的讽刺:你出版了一本关于“慢”的书,却得非常快速地到处推广。这些天我好像不得不花大量的时间,你知道,来回奔走于一个个城市、录影棚和各种采访之间,把书浓缩成非常容易消化的小小部分;因为现在人人都想知道如何让生活慢下来,但是……但是他们想知道的却是怎么样能快速地慢下来。  而我觉得,其实这也不怎么令人惊讶,对吧?因为
就在一两年前吧,小编在广州教育路发现了那间小店,不大的店面,黑白的风格,两扇带着门环的中式大门好不醒目,但大门上面的招牌却赫然写着“Awfully Chocolate”(奥芙莉)。好奇心驱使小编一探究竟:小小的柜台,零星的店员,墙上一块黑板上用粉笔手写的产品和价目,售卖的巧克力蛋糕仅有几款,且价格不低。小编尝了一个cup cake,感觉就是稠、腻、苦……跳进脑海的果然只有一个词——Awful!顿时
亲爱的爸爸:  嗨,老爸,你想我了吗?噢,我想你千千万万遍了。家里一切可好?弟弟怎样了?他还是那么爱闯祸吗?  嗯,这里一切都还不错——大体上吧。我是说,有谁事前会想到没关掉卷发器而意外地把整栋宿舍烧了却令我遇到真爱呢?嗯,在搞定了所有的诉讼等事情之后吧,不过你不用担心那得花多少钱。我已经把你的地址告诉他们了,所以你不必担心我缺钱花。  噢,老爸,不管怎样,再说回我的真爱吧。当迈克·多勒看到我大呼
Angelina: Other little kids, they saw me in my...my costume, and they cried, so...so I had to cast the only child I knew, who was five years old, the little girl who wouldn’t cry...  Interviewer: O-o-
Do you celebrate the summer 1)solstice—the longest day of the year? It means that summer has arrived and is celebrated by different cultures all over the world. For the last 40 years a farmer in Engla
今天一条令人意外的消息来自我们北边的邻国加拿大:从今年秋天开始,一分硬币将退出历史舞台。加拿大将停止铸造一分硬币,称此举将每年节省1100万加元铸造费用。许多美国人发出了疑问:我们是否也该这么做?  如果世上从来就没有过一分硬币,我们的世界会是什么样子?宾·克罗斯比的这首歌或许就不会诞生……  克罗斯比:(唱歌)天降横财……  ……我们也不会有平跟船鞋,也没有一分糖。残酷的现实?现在多制造一个一分
格雷斯:我叫格雷斯·托尼。  杰伊:我叫杰伊·克拉克。  迈克:我是迈克·科特。默纳:我是默纳·托尔伯特。史蒂夫:我是史蒂夫·克里斯坦森。我是密苏里州圣路易斯市冰冻甜品学校的校长。  这些人身上只有两个共同点,一是他们都热爱冰淇淋,或者冰淇淋生意;二是他们之间再没有其他共同点了。在他们当中有助理检察官、殡仪员、保险业务员……
逆来顺受  逆来顺受  这真让我受伤
记者:这里乍看上去也许像个学生中心或者是咖啡馆,但其实这是英国最大的科技集散地。这里有桌上足球,还有这些小玩意儿,希望它们可以激发人们的想象力,促使下一个类似脸谱网或谷歌那样的科技巨子诞生。现在这里已经聚集了9 0家公司。我现在带大家快速地参观一下。这是“好点子熊”,这是“涂鸦熊”,人们可以把自己突发其想的点子写下来,目的是激发下一个重大创意的出现。这个科技集散地的发起者是谷歌公司,现在我们和该公