患者修理机械时,不慎被一铁片击中左肘关节处,当时伤口流血不止,急诊入院。X线定位后,即在透视下取异物,当钳夹住异物时,未能取出,放开止血钳时,即发现异物先向下,后向上游动10cm,确认异物进入静脉血管内,当即在近端用止血带扎住,切开血管取出4×2×1 mm~3锐利铁片一枚.异物进入血管可向心游动造成不良后果.故建议凡是能在 X 线下显影,且出血较多的外伤性异物,最好在 X 线指示下手术,一是减少取异物时的盲目性,二是可避免出现其它意外情况。
When the patient repaired the machine, he was accidentally hit by an iron piece at the left elbow. At that time, the wound bleed more than the emergency department was admitted. X-ray positioning, that is, under the perspective of taking foreign objects, gripping foreign objects, failed to remove, release the hemostatic forceps, that foreign body first down, after moving upstream 10cm, confirm the foreign body into the vein, immediately In the proximal end with a tourniquet tie, cut the blood vessels removed 4 × 2 × 1 mm ~ 3 sharp iron piece foreign body into the heart to swim can cause adverse consequences, it is recommended that any X-ray development, and Bleeding more traumatic foreign body, the best under the X-ray surgery, one is to reduce the blindness when taking foreign bodies, the second is to avoid other accidents.