A subcutaneous injection of convulsant dose (7.5mg / kg) of kainic acid (kainicacid, KA) induced Fisher344 rats with acute epileptic seizures, 7d after the formation of epilepsy-sensitive rats. The binding activity of AP-1 DNA in rat hippocampus and its components were determined by Gelshift, Super-shift and Western blotting. Gelshift results showed that basal level of AP-1 DNA binding activity in hippocampus of epileptic-sensitive rats was higher than that in control group. Super-shift assay showed that only Fra and JunD antibodies could retain AP-1 protein in higher position. Western blot Proved JunD protein including 43, 29and 28kDaJund; and epilepsy-sensitive rats if the second epileptic stimulation, AP-1 complex activity and composition were changed again. The above data suggest that increased AP-1 DNA binding activity and high levels of JndD are likely to play an important role in the maintenance of long-term sustained increase in seizure susceptibility.