In our deepening reforms, the Helen Daily Chemical Factory has implemented the lease contracting system. In response to this, the majority of employees are extremely active in thinking, and there are also many confusions and incomprehensions. To this end, our labor unions have carried out effective ideological and political work based on the actual thinking of employees, and production has seen a turn for the better. Companies have turned losses into profits. In the past, our factory was a loss-making enterprise for many years in a row, with a total loss of more than 400,000 yuan, on the verge of collapse. With the deepening of the reform, our factory changed its operating mechanism. In 1987, it implemented an individual lease operation. At the beginning of leasing, some cadres and employees did not understand the leasing policy, and there were “four fears” in their ideology: one feared that individuals would lease, and the nature of the enterprise changed; two feared that the tenant became a big boss, and the employees became laborers.” “Fear”; three afraid of the tenant to make big money, the staff life is not guaranteed; four afraid of the union can not speak for the workers, the main