
来源 :小学生时空 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:honeywell88
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我的家乡,虽是一个不起眼的小村子,但它给我带来了许多快乐。所以,我爱它。我爱家乡的天空。家乡的天空总是蔚蓝蔚蓝的,既像辽阔的大海,又像一块无边的蓝纱,十分美丽。有时,天空上还会出现白色的带状云,像几条缠绕在一起的丝带,非常漂亮。 Although my hometown is a humble little village, it has brought a lot of happiness to me. So I love it. I love the sky in my hometown. Home sky is always blue, both like the vast sea, but also like a boundless blue yarn, very beautiful. Occasionally, there will be a white ribbon cloud on the sky, like a few ribbons wrapped around, very beautiful.
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