中共湖南省委办公厅 湖南省人民政府办公厅关于严禁党政机关违规使用军车号牌的通知

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各市州、县市区委,各市州、县市区人民政府,省直机关各单位:为进一步加强党风廉政建设,规范党政机关汽车号牌配备和使用管理,经省委、省政府领导同志同意,现就严禁党政机关违规使用军车号牌有关问题通知如下:一、自2007年1月1日起,全省各级党政机关除担负军事保障任务的军地联合办事机构外,一律不准使用军车号牌;各级党政领导干部一律不得以在军队兼任职务为由,固定乘坐或借用挂有军车号牌的车辆。目前已经挂有军车号牌的党政机关公务用车,务必于2006年12月31日前,把军车号牌退还发放单位,并重新办理地方牌照。严 Municipalities, counties and cities, municipalities, counties and cities in the People’s Government, the provincial authorities all units: In order to further strengthen the party style and clean government, standardize the party and government organs with the number plates and the use of management, the provincial government leaders Comrades agree that we hereby notify you of the following issues concerning the non-compliance of military and police license plates by party and government organs: 1. Since January 1, 2007, the party and government organs at all levels in the province, apart from the joint military service agencies that shoulder the task of military support, All military and police license plates are forbidden to be used. Party and government leading cadres at all levels should not be allowed to use fixed or borrow vehicles with military license plate numbers on the grounds that they are concurrently held by the military. At present, military vehicles with party plates and government agencies that have already hung the military license plate number must be returned to the issuing units by December 31, 2006 and the local license renewed. strict
【正】 各市、州公安消防支队: 近年来,全省各级公安消防机构严格贯彻执行消防法律法规,坚持以服务和服从于经济建设为中心,狠抓源头管理,依法实施建筑工程消防监督审核,督促
针对投影栅法三维形貌测量中的相展开算法进行了研究。采用局部连续相位的最小二阶差分的二维抗噪相展开方法对一圆杯子的相主值图进行相展开处理 ,该方法能够自动的绕过相位图中的无效数据区进行相展开 ,结果证明此方法具有较快的速度和较高的测量准确度
【正】 近年来,我县积极探索搞活乡镇卫生院经营机制、加快农村卫生事业发展的新途径,采取能人领办和协议式目标管理的方式,对全县10所乡镇卫生院进行了经营体制改革,改革面