位处澳洲大陆北部,与印尼苏门答腊群岛一海之隔的达尔文市是澳洲北省的大城市。人口并不多,但海产丰富,鱼类品种繁多,不论岸钓、船钓、手丝、抛竿,样样皆宜。香港业余钓鱼会一行4人,连同三位发烧友于今年下旬经吉隆坡直奔达尔文。 航机于凌晨4时抵达达尔文,一行人于早上7时便移师到散货码头,先作热身运动。为了供应大军所需的鱼饵,真是辛苦了当地老友周君。于个多月来,不停穿梭各个滩头,撒网捕取白虾、沙甸、乌头等,冷藏备用。据周君介绍,此乃钓鱼基本法,无此技术,不能晋升大师级。码头的钓位相当多,汽车可直达。适值落流,
Located in the northern part of Australia’s mainland, Darwin, a city bordering the Sumatra Islands in Indonesia, is a large city in the northern province of Australia. The population is not large, but seafood is rich, a wide range of fish, regardless of shore fishing, fishing boat, hand wire, throwing pole, everything is suitable. Hong Kong amateur fishing party of 4 people, together with three enthusiasts went straight to Darwin via Kuala Lumpur later this year. The flight arrived in Darwin at 4 am and a pedestrian was moved to the bulk terminal at 7 am for a warm-up exercise. In order to supply the army needed bait, really hard local friend Zhou Jun. In more than a month, non-stop shuttle each beach, cast nets to catch white shrimp, sardines, aconite, etc., refrigerated spare. According to Zhou Jun introduction, this is the basic law of fishing, no such technology, can not be promoted to master class. Fishing dock quite a lot, the car can be direct. Appropriate fall off,