A GaAs planar Schottky varactor diode for left-handed nonlinear transmission line applications

来源 :Chinese Physics B | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:darklbueyz
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The left-handed nonlinear transmission line(LH-NLTL) based on monolithic microwave integrated circuit(MMIC) technology possesses significant advantages such as wide frequency band,high operating frequency,high conversion efficiency,and applications in millimeter and submillimeter wave frequency multiplier.The planar Schottky varactor diode(PSVD) is a major limitation to the performance of the LH-NLTL frequency multiplier as a nonlinear component.The design and the fabrication of the diode for such an application are presented.An accurate large-signal model of the diode is proposed.A 16 GHz-39.6 GHz LH-NLTL frequency doubler using our large-signal model is reported for the first time.The measured maximum output powers of the 2nd harmonic are up to 8 dBm at 26.4 GHz,and above 0 dBm from 16 GHz to 39.6 GHz when the input power is 20 dBm.The application of the LH-NLTL frequency doubler furthermore validates the accuracy of the large-signal model of the PSVD. The left-handed nonlinear transmission line (LH-NLTL) based on monolithic microwave integrated circuit (MMIC) technology possesses significant advantages such as wide frequency band, high operating frequency, high conversion efficiency, and applications in millimeter and submillimeter wave frequency multiplier. planar Schottky varactor diode (PSVD) is a major limitation to the performance of the LH-NLTL frequency multiplier as a nonlinear component. The design and the fabrication of the diode for such an application are presented. An accurate large-signal model of the diode is proposed. A 16 GHz-39.6 GHz LH-NLTL frequency doubler using our large-signal model is reported for the first time. The measured maximum output powers of the 2nd harmonic are up to 8 dBm at 26.4 GHz, and above 0 dBm from 16 GHz to 39.6 GHz when the input power is 20 dBm. The application of the LH-NLTL frequency double result validates the accuracy of the large-signal model of the PSVD.
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