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全面抗战开始后,基于文化建设与国防建设、经济建设同处重要地位的认识,国民政府确立了以民族国家为本位的文化政策,出版政策也转为战时状态。《修正出版法》、《修正出版法实施细则》、《新闻检查标准》、《战时图书杂志原稿审查办法》等战时出版法规的问世,一方面确为战时环境所需,但另一方面,出版界人士牺牲“小我”利益换取国家“大我”利益的选择,并没有阻止国民政府以战争为由,加深对新闻出版界的钳制。 After the All-round Anti-Japanese War started, based on the recognition of the importance of cultural construction and national defense construction as well as economic construction, the national government established a cultural policy based on the nation-state, and the publishing policy turned to wartime. The advent of wartime regulations such as the Law on the Revision of Publications, the Regulations on the Revision of the Press Law, the Standards on News Inspection and the Measures for the Examination of Manuscripts of Wartime Books and Magazines, on the one hand, was indeed required by the wartime environment but on the other hand, As for the choice made by the people in the publishing industry at the expense of “self-interest” in exchange for the interests of the state and the “big self”, the national government did not stop the Kuomintang government from using its clampdown on the press as a cause of war.