患儿女,9岁。反复持续性剧烈腹痛,伴恶心、发热7月余。多次“抗炎”治疗无效。体检:躯干部散在牛奶咖啡斑。腹部膨隆,腹硬,全腹压痛,腹腔可触及巨大包块,剑突至耻骨联合上2 cm处,质硬,全腹压痛,无反跳痛。CT平扫:左侧中下腹腔内见不规则软组织肿块,沿肠系膜分别呈腊肠状弯曲走行。大小约15
Children with children, 9 years old. Repeated persistent severe abdominal pain, with nausea, fever more than 7 months. Repeatedly “anti-inflammatory ” treatment is invalid. Physical examination: trunk scattered in milk coffee spots. Abdominal bulging, abdominal hard, full abdominal tenderness, abdominal mass can reach a huge mass, the xiphoid pubic symphysis on the 2 cm Department, hard, full abdominal tenderness, no rebound tenderness. CT scan: see the middle and inferior abdominal cavity of the irregular soft tissue mass, along the mesentery were sausage-shaped curved walk. About 15 in size