如今的新鲜事真多。你说咱村里人的观念转得快不快,现在正儿八经的官儿他们不想,偏偏去争那个只尽义务而无权、10户左右为一组松散型的邻里小组长,你说怪不怪?当选的还都乐滋滋的——图啥?带领大家共同致富。按理讲,当这“官儿”不费难。可老实告诉你,在这里,没有一定的经济实力,家庭计划生育搞不好,还请您免开尊口。无人会投你的票。 唯有一位得来全不费功夫的中年女性。她就是刚过不惑之年,家住江苏省东台市五烈镇扎南村四组的村民刘桂珍。有道是,群众的眼睛雪亮。听说推选邻里小组长,刘桂珍的左邻右舍无不首推她,好象非她莫属。大伙说:刘桂珍,我们敬她,信她,服她,
There are so many new things today. You said that our people in the village turn quickly unpleasant ideas, and now the official children who do not want to, just for the sake of the obligation to do nothing, about 10 as a group of loose neighborhood team leader, you blame Not blame? Elected also happily - figure what? Lead us to get rich. Logically speaking, when this “official children” is not difficult. Can tell you honestly, here, there is no certain economic strength, family planning engage in poor, but also please open your mouth. No one will vote for your ticket. Only one middle-aged woman who had to spend all his time. She is just over the age of no doubt, Liu Guizhen, a villager who lives in four groups of Zainan Village, Wu Lie Town, Dongtai City, Jiangsu Province. You know, the eyes of the masses are sharp. I heard that the selection of neighborhood team leader, Liu Guizhen neighbors her all the devaluation of her, as if none other than her. Everyone said: Liu Guizhen, we respect her, believe her, serve her,