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  Host: Move over, Harry Potter. Step aside, Bridge to Terabithia注1. There’s a new set of titles dominating the bestseller list for kids’ chapter books, and there is nothing fantasy about these. It’s the Diary of a Wimpy Kid series, written and drawn by Jeff Kinney. These are the journals of Greg Heffley, detailing his 1)trials as a 2)scrawny kid making the life-changing transition from elementary to middle school.
  Author Jeff Kinney joins me now. They don’t look like normal kids’ chapter books. They’re like copies of the main character’s diary.
  Kinney: Right. I actually got the idea from being
  a failed cartoonist,
  actually. I really wanted to be a newspaper
  3)strip cartoonist, and I found myself playing far too many video games, so I started keeping a journal to kind of shame myself into writing my comic
  strips. But as I was writing a journal, I was doing these little 4)doodles in the
  5)margins, and I thought that’s a pretty appealing 6)format.
  Host: The story is told from the point of view of Greg Heffley. He’s the main character. He’s the wimpy kid. This is his diary. Describe Greg for us.
  Kinney: I actually think Greg is a bit morally 7)bankrupt. I think he’s…he’s 8)petty. He’s…he’s a little bit 9)wicked. He’s
  10)put-upon, but he also treats the people underneath him a little bit badly. But I think that Greg’s just kind of an average kid. What I like about the book is that by doing it as a diary or a
  journal, there’s no adult around to correct Greg.
  Host: Do you think that’s why kids 11)identify with Greg?
  Kinney: I think so and I hope so. I hope that kids can
  recognize that Greg doesn’t do the right thing. That’s something that I worried about when releasing this to a kid audience, because I actually wrote it for adults. I was trying to write a book that was 12)nostalgic, like The Wonder Years or A Christmas Story注2, and instead it’s going right to the kids, which is really interesting for me.
  Host: It’s really an important time for kids – the
  transformation from elementary school to middle school. And Greg is struggling with how not to be a kid anymore – doesn’t want to be elementary school, he wants to be cool like middle school. He’s in a lot of
  Kinney: Yes, he is. It’s true. I think that seventh and eighth grade – it really is the toughest time for a kid,
  because you haven’t quite grown into your body yet. And where I grew up, they had 14)junior high which was like seventh and eighth grade together, and I...
  Host: That’s what I went to, yeah.
  Kinney: And I always thought of it as they were
  15)segregating you from the general population. Like, “What do we do with these people? We’ll just put them over here.” And…and you really did have some kids who were twice the size of other kids, like, 16)literally twice the size. And so I just thought that that was a great setting. And I think if we as adults were put back into our seventh-and-eighth-grade bodies and…
  Host: Oh God! No!
  Kinney: …and put into those situations that we wouldn’t act with any more 17)maturity. You know, we would all
  18)revert to…to the behaviors that we had at that age.
  注1:《通向特拉比西亚的桥》为美国小说家凯瑟琳·佩特森(Katherine Paterson)所作,荣获全世界最权威的儿童文学奖——纽伯瑞奖(Newbery Medal),2007年改编为魔幻电影《仙境之桥》。
《别让我走》讲述了三个在寄宿学校一起长大的伙伴过着与世隔绝的生活。直到有一天,他们发现自己原来是克隆人,而存在的唯一目的就是为别人提供移植器官。听起来是否似曾相识?没错,这剧情跟2005年的《逃出克隆岛》(The Island)如出一辙,所以很多人把它称为后者的文艺版。从预告片可以看出,这部改编自石黑一雄  同名小说的电影绝对不是卖弄特技的科幻片,而是一部刻画人性的细腻之作。本片清一色的英国演员阵
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