
来源 :中国伤残医学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:hou0608
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有机磷农药中毒对尽快清除胃内容物是抢救成功的主要环节之一。有机磷农药毒性强,吸收快。如不及时采取有效措施排出胃内容物,其后果非常严重,故及时、彻底洗胃是抢救有机磷农药中毒成败的关键。凡误服有机磷农药或疑诊服毒者,无论时间长短、病情轻重、有无并发症均应洗胃,洗胃的方法分自喝引吐法及胃管洗胃法。自喝引吐法虽然简单易行,但只能适用于神志清楚、愿意合作的患者,但此法洗胃不彻底及易使毒物进入肠道内。 Organophosphorus pesticide poisoning as soon as possible to clear the contents of the stomach is one of the main aspects of the successful rescue. Organophosphorus pesticides are highly toxic and absorb fast. If not promptly take effective measures to expel the stomach contents, the consequences are very serious, so timely and thorough gastric lavage is the key to the success or failure of salvage organophosphorus pesticide poisoning. Whoever mistakenly taken organophosphate pesticides or suspected poisoning who, regardless of the length of time, severity, with or without complications should be gastric lavage, gastric lavage method from the method of drinking cited vomiting and gastric lavage. Although self-drinking pricking law is simple and easy, it can only be applied to patients who are conscious and willing to cooperate with each other. However, gastric lavage is not thorough enough and poison can easily enter the gut.
适合年龄:18个月以上rn原料 虾仁50克,胡萝卜25克,芹菜15克,鲜香菇1个,鸡蛋2个,植物油8毫升,姜汁少许.rn做法rn1虾仁洗净,去虾线,切小丁,加姜汁腌渍15分钟.胡萝卜去皮,芹菜去
适合年龄:15个月以上rn原料 菠菜50克,番茄1个,鸡蛋1个,食盐、香油各少许.rn做法rn1菠菜去根洗净,切小段,用沸水焯烫半分钟,捞出过凉,沥干水分;rn2西红柿洗净,去皮,切成块.鸡
临床资料  1一般资料:2008年1月~2013年12月,采用天麻勾藤饮加减治疗顽固性失眠30例为门诊病人男13例,女17例,年龄均在40~70岁之间,病程6个月~8年。