弗兰克·奥哈拉(Frank O’Hara,1926—966)是二战后美国纽约派的重要诗人。他兴趣广泛,将各种艺术手法运用于其诗中,使得其诗歌常常晦涩难懂。但晦涩难懂却又不等同于完全不让人理解的故弄玄虚。本文通过分析奥哈拉诗歌《与他们一步之遥》中的“死亡”意象,来说明奥哈拉看似简单诗句下的独具匠心。
Frank O’Hara (1926-966) was an important poet in the New York school after World War II. He has a wide range of interests and uses various artistic techniques in his poems, making his poems often obscure. But obscure but does not mean completely incomprehensible trickery. This article illustrates the originality of O’Hara’s seemingly simple verse by analyzing the image of “Death ” in O’Hara’s The Step with They.