世界卫生组织(WHO)于1982年11月22—27日在日内瓦召开“发展中国家控制吸烟策略专家会议”。我作为WHO吸烟与健康专家谘询小组成员受邀参加这个会议。这个会议参加者有巴西的A.A.Achutt医生,科威特卫生部长A.Ral—awadi,英国的M.Daube讲师,印度的K.Jayant夫人,加蓬健康及职业病总检督B.Obiang Ossoubita医师,埃及开罗大学肿瘤研究所的S.Omar教授,尼泊尔的M.R.Pandey教授,瑞典健康与吸烟协会的L.M.Ramstrom医师,美国国立卫生研究所心肺血液研究所卫生教育科的代主任E.
The World Health Organization (WHO) convened in Geneva on November 22-27, 1982, “Expert Meeting on Tobacco Control in Developing Countries”. I was invited to attend this meeting as a panel member of the WHO expert on smoking and health. The meeting was attended by Dr. AAAchutt from Brazil, A.Ral-awadi from the Kuwaiti Minister of Health, M.Daube from the United Kingdom, Mrs.Jayantant from India, Dr.Obiang Ossoubita, Chief Prosecutor for Health and Occupational Disease of Gabon, Professor S.Omar from the Institute of Oncology, MRP Pandey from Nepal, Dr. LMRamstrom from the Swedish Health and Smoking Association, and the acting director of the Health Education Section of the Institute of Cardiology, Lung and Blood, National Institutes of Health.