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日前在山东省寿光市举行的全国教育科学“十五”规划教育部重点课题《网络教育与传统教育的优势互补研究》“初中语文课堂教学评优与研讨活动”中,语文新课标实验教材中的阅读课、专题课和综合性活动课均有精彩展示,来自山东、江苏、河北、福建和上海五省市的教师们凭借其深厚的文学素养、高超的教学技艺,推出了一堂堂语文精品课,体现了网络教育与传统语文教育的优势互补,受到评委们的肯定,令众多在场老师啧啧称赞。在此次活动中,说课与论文评审也都达到了预期的效果。教师们纷纷从教材、目标、重难点、媒体、教法、学法和教学过程等多个方面说出了新颖的教学设计思路,体现了新课标理念和先进的教育教学思想。参评论文均紧扣“网络教育与传统语文教育的优势互补研究”这一主题,既有网络环境下语文教学实践中的体会、反思,又有较成熟的先进教育教学理念下的新型课堂教学模式的探究。论文大都选题准确,论点明确,论据充实,论证有力,见解透彻,视角新颖,理论与实践有机结合,论述深入浅出,使得网络教育与传统教育的优势互补研究得以向纵深发展,也昭示着课题研究必将结出丰硕的果实。为此,本期特选登此次活动的优秀论文成果,供广大教师读者们参考。 Recently, in the Shouguang City, Shandong Province, the National Education Science “Tenth Five-Year Plan” Ministry of Education’s key project “Research on the Complementarity of Online Education and Traditional Education” “Chinese Language Classroom Teaching Evaluation and Discussion Activities for Junior Middle Schools”, the new language standard experiment teaching materials The reading class, the topic class and the comprehensive activity class in the middle school all have wonderful exhibitions. Teachers from five provinces and cities in Shandong, Jiangsu, Hebei, Fujian and Shanghai have launched a Chinese language with their profound literary skills and superb teaching skills. The exquisite class reflects the complementary advantages of online education and traditional Chinese education. It was recognized by the judges and praised many teachers present. In this activity, the lecture and the thesis review also achieved the expected results. Teachers have come up with novel teaching design ideas in various aspects such as teaching materials, goals, difficulties, media, teaching methods, learning methods, and teaching processes, reflecting the new curriculum standards and advanced teaching ideas. Participating in the commentary are closely linked to the theme of “comprehensive complementarity between online education and traditional Chinese education”. There are both experiences and reflections in the practice of Chinese teaching under the network environment, as well as a new type of classroom teaching model that is more mature under the concept of advanced education and teaching. Exploration. Most of the dissertations are accurate in selection of topics, full of arguments, strong arguments, thorough insights, novel perspectives, organic combination of theory and practice, and simple explanations, which enable the complementary research of online education and traditional education to develop in depth, and also indicate the research of the topic. It will surely bear fruit. To this end, the excellent papers selected for this event were selected for the reference of teachers.
利用铜仁地区1970—2009年10个气象台站逐日雨量和雨日资料,分析了铜仁地区年、季雨量和雨日变化趋势。结果表明,近40 a铜仁大部分地区年雨量呈增多的趋势,雨日呈现显著减少