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5月29日至31日中国科学院召开思想政治工作会议期间,中科院党组副书记郭传杰通报了中科院党组开展“三讲”教育“回头看”活动及整改措施落实情况。4月28日,中央检查组听取了中科院党组书记路甬祥关于院党组开展“回头看”活动及整改工作的汇报,对院党组开展“回头看”活动的做法、取得的成效及路甬祥同志充分发挥“三讲”教育第一责任人作用的情况,给予了肯定。汇报会之后,中央检查组宣布中科院党组“三讲”教育“回头看”活动顺利结束。郭传杰同志说,在去年“三讲”集中教育中,通过开门整风,中科院党组根据群众意见找出了自身在政治大局意识、领导班子思想作风建设和群众路线等三个方面存在的主要问题,并制定了具体的《整改方案》,同时,采取“明确任务、细化措施、责任到人、限时完成”的方法,认真抓好落实,取得了较好效果。一是进一步增强政治意识、大局意识和责任意识, From May 29 to May 31, during the ideological and political work conference held by the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Guo Chuanjie, deputy party secretary of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, reported on the implementation of the activities of “three stresses” education and “looking back” at the Chinese Academy of Sciences and the rectification measures. On April 28, the Central Inspection Unit listened to the report made by Lu Yongxiang, party secretary of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, on the activities of the hospital party group and the work of rectification and rectification, And Comrade Lu Yongxiang gave full play to the role of the first responsible person for the “three stresses” education and affirmed it. After the briefing, the Central Inspection Unit announced the successful conclusion of the “three stresses ” education “looking back ” activities of the party group of the Chinese Academy of Sciences. Comrade Guo Chuan-jie said that in the centralized education of last year's “three stresses”, the party organization of the Chinese Academy of Sciences found out its own major problems in the three areas of the overall political awareness, the leadership team's ideological and work style construction, and the mass line based on mass opinions At the same time, it adopted a method of “specifying tasks, refining measures, fulfilling responsibilities to people and completing them on time”, earnestly implemented it, and achieved good results. First, to further enhance political awareness, the overall situation and sense of responsibility,
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摘 要:一堂数学课,问题不能太多,应设计好核心问题,问在知识本质处,问在经验生长处,问在思路点拨处,这样才能使学生理解数学本质和内核,把握其内隐的数学思想方法,激活其活力和张力,促使其自主生长,真正学会数学的思维。  关键词:核心问题;学生;思维  中图分类号:G427 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1992-7711(2015)06-039-1  一、“问”在概念内涵处  小学数学中概念的学习是重点
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