在承德县北部,巍巍的北大山脚下,有一个山环水绕的小村庄,这就是孤山村。多少年来,它因偏僻、闭塞而被囚禁在大山深处,山默默,水默默,人默默。 如今,孤山村今非昔比了!这里出了一位不让须眉的女中豪杰——孤山小学校长于贵勤。因此,孤山村出名了。乡亲们为能有这样一位校长而感到无比自豪!他们深知,于校长这几年,为孤山小学,为孩子们操碎了心! 1990年秋。 这是一个收获的季节!人们付出的心血、汗水都将在秋天里得到报偿。于贵勤在这美好的季节里,头顶着热辣辣的阳光,行走在这崇山峻岭的崎岖山路上。
In the northern part of Chengde County, at the foot of the towering North Mountain, there is a small mountain village surrounded by water, which is Gushan Village. For years, it has been imprisoned in the depths of mountains due to its remoteness and obstruction. Today, Gushan Village is not the past! Here is a hero who does not let the striker - Gushan Primary School principals in the expensive. Therefore, Gushan village famous. Folks proud to have such a principal! They know very well that in the past few years, as headmaster of Gushan Primary School, they have broken their hearts for their children! Autumn 1990. This is a harvest season! The hard work and sweat that people pay will be rewarded in the fall. Guiqin in this beautiful season, head hot and humid sun, walking in the rugged mountain road.