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随着社会文明的积累,如今的人们对生活水平的要求高了许多,其中一点就是有关室内装修设计。中华传统文化流更千古,而且给全世界的社会文明都有非常大的震撼,虽然,如今的社会发展给人们的生活带来了非常大的改变,但是在文化传承方面,我国的传统文化还有很高的审美价值。因此,在漫长的历史长河中,如今的室内装修美学也大大借鉴了我国的传统文化,特别是在木构件制作的方向之上,受传统文化的影响是最大的。在国际影响力之上,我国有关室内装饰木构件制作的研究也非常有靠前,尤其是在如今复古风向的影响之下,室内装饰设计也在向古典室内装饰风格靠拢,在家具的陈列上运用大量的木制结构的家具,这样的装饰形式较为统一,其古典的气息浑厚,整体的视觉感官也能表现含蓄沉稳的视觉效果。在商业空间氛围营造当中,对与家具及装饰构件的应用上也愈加的注重中国传统木制元素的使用,这种趋势的形成有着诸多的表现形式,在此结合部分要素进行分析说明[1]。 With the accumulation of social civilization, today’s people’s living standards are much higher, one of which is related to interior design. The flow of traditional Chinese culture has been more ancient, and it has greatly shocked the social civilization of the whole world. Although the social development nowadays has brought a very big change to people’s life, in terms of cultural inheritance, the traditional culture of our country A very high aesthetic value. Therefore, in the long history, today’s interior decoration aesthetics also greatly draws on our traditional culture, especially in the direction of the production of wood components, the impact of traditional culture is the largest. In the international influence, China’s interior decoration wooden parts production is also very much on the study, especially in today’s retro style under the influence of interior design is also moving closer to the classical interior decoration style, on the furniture display The use of a large number of wooden furniture structure, a more uniform form of decoration, the vigorous atmosphere of the classic, the overall visual sensory can also express subtle calm visual effects. In the atmosphere of commercial space to create, and the use of furniture and decorative components also pay more attention to the use of traditional Chinese wooden elements, the formation of this trend has many manifestations, combined with some elements of this analysis [1] .
The Ninth Meeting of Heads of Research Councils in Asia Heads of Resrarch Councils was held in Daejoen,Korea on September 26,2011.Prof.He Minghong,Vice Presiden
企业文化建设离不开企业经营管理全过程,更离不开参与企业经营管理全过程的所有成员。企业文化建没必须充分体现与时俱进思想指导下循序渐进、有序推进的规律特征。 Corpora
1 前言高速钢磨屑是生产量具、刃具等工具过程中产生的固体废料(俗称砂轮末)。据不完全统计,仅哈尔滨市几个主要企业(诸如哈尔滨第一工具厂、第二工具厂、哈尔滨量具刃具厂)
阅读文章,完成1~3题。  1.下列对文章相关内容和艺术特色的分析鉴赏,正确的一项是( )  A.古树养老院的主人做收养古树的慈善,源于他的生活经历及由此而来的爱树情结。古树之“古”,自有其价值,它与生态相关,与文化相关。  B.现实生活中,人都看重现实的物质利益,收买移栽古树,有利则行,无利则弃,只讲实用,目光短浅,古树养老院主人也有这样的功利心。  C.园中的毛梾古树,据传周游列国的孔子用它做
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