患者,女,27岁。查体发现左侧附件包块1年。多次B超检查考虑畸胎瘤。因无任何不适未做处理。近来B超发现包块逐渐长大,入院诊治。妇科检查:左侧附件区可触及4cm×4cm×5cm包块,质中,呈实性,无压痛,活动好。彩超所见:宫底左侧见一4.0cm×3.2cm×4.5cm的椭圆形异常回声区,包膜完整、光滑,内呈低回声,间有片状、团状稍强回声,不均匀,后方回声不衰减。CDFI显示异常区内见棒状血流信号,PWD显示为搏动性动脉频谱,Vmax 20.1cm/s,Vmin 9.2cm/s,RI=0.54。彩超诊断:盆腔混合性包块,考虑来源于左侧卵巢,良性可能性大。 手术所见:左侧卵巢4cm×5cm×5cm,混合性包块,与周围组织无粘连,包膜完整。病理结果:左卵巢颗粒细胞瘤。
Patient, female, 27 years old. The physical examination revealed the left attachment mass for 1 year. Repeated B-ultrasound examination considers teratoma. No treatment due to no discomfort. Recently, B ultrasound found that the masses gradually grew up and were admitted to hospital for treatment. Gynecological examination: The left attachment area can reach 4cm×4cm×5cm masses, which is qualitative, true, no tenderness, and good activities. See the color Doppler Ultrasound: An oval abnormal echo area of 4.0 cm×3.2 cm×4.5 cm is seen on the left side of the palace. The capsule is complete, smooth, with a low echo, a flaky, agglutinated echo, and unevenness. The rear echo does not decay. The CDFI showed a rod-shaped blood flow signal in the abnormal area. The PWD showed a beat artery spectrum, Vmax 20.1cm/s, Vmin 9.2cm/s, RI=0.54. Color Doppler ultrasound diagnosis: pelvic mixed mass, considered from the left ovary, benign possibility. Surgical findings: Left ovary 4cm × 5cm × 5cm, mixed mass, no adhesion with the surrounding tissue, complete envelope. Pathology: left granulosa cell tumor.