目的分析玉林市2010-2011年手足口病疫情的流行病学特点,为今后的防控工作提供策略。方法对玉林市手足口病疫情资料采用描述性流行病学方法进行分析。结果 2010-2011年全市累计报告手足口病22 953例,年平均发病率202.88/10万,兴业县发病率最高达332.95/10万;2010年手足口病疫情总体呈单峰型,5月份达到最高峰,2011年呈双峰型,分别于6月和9月达高峰;男女性别比为1.77∶1,散居儿童占病例总数的88.08%,5岁以下婴幼儿占病例总数的91.15%;2010年手足口病主要以EV71为主,占87.70%,2011年则以CoaX16和其他肠道病毒为主,分别占43.07%和40.51%;85.77%重型病例和88.24%死亡病例均是由EV71引起。结论手足口病疫情形势严峻,应加强病原学监测及5岁以下散居儿童和托幼机构的手足口病防治工作。
Objective To analyze epidemiological characteristics of HFMD in 2010-2011 in Yulin, and to provide strategies for future prevention and control work. Methods Epidemic data of epidemic situation of hand, foot and mouth disease in Yulin City were analyzed by descriptive epidemiology. Results A total of 22 953 hand-foot-mouth disease cases were reported in the city from 2010 to 2011, with an average annual incidence of 202.88 / 100,000 and a highest incidence rate of 332.95 / 100,000 in Xingye County. In 2010, the overall incidence of HFMD was unimodal and reached to May The highest peak was bimodal in 2011, reaching its peak in June and September respectively. The sex ratio of men to women was 1.77:1. Diving children accounted for 88.08% of the total number of cases and infants under 5 years old accounted for 91.15% of the total number of cases. 2010 The annual prevalence of hand-foot-mouth disease was mainly EV71, accounting for 87.70%. In 2011, it was mainly CoaX16 and other enteroviruses, accounting for 43.07% and 40.51% respectively; and 85.77% of heavy-duty cases and 88.24% of deaths were caused by EV71. Conclusion The outbreak of hand-foot-mouth disease is grim. Etiological surveillance should be strengthened and hand-foot-mouth disease prevention and control should be strengthened for children under 5 years old and nurseries.