Exceptional cracking of tomato tender stems is a common phenomenon in the cultivation of tomato. It is conventionally called “window slit” or “spectacle” in production. If control is not timely, it will have a direct impact on production. First, the symptoms. Tomato plants shorten and thicken or even crack in the internode nodes near the third and fourth trivia. This phenomenon mainly endanger the top of the growing point of tomato sprout at the 8-10 cm at the tender stem damage at the beginning of acupuncture-like holes and the stem gradually from round to oblate, and then cracked by the pinhole And continue to grow larger, finally forming the size of the beans “8 ” shaped lesions cracking into perforation, only a very small part of the organization close to the epidermis on both sides. Injured plant perforation part of the tender stem cross-section of the tissue and marrow transmutation