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我国的合作翻译已有几千年的历史,译者与译者之间的关系是合作翻译研究的中心。合作译者有契合,有偏离,也有变形,这一切都是建立在不同译者的不同应激反应的基础之上的。原作、原作者以及读者对译者的作用,译者自身的因素的相互作用,这些在译者之间形成了一套应激机制。真正的合作翻译,不仅是合作译者间的契合,还体现在他们之间相同的偏离和变形。在这样的机制条件下,合作译者才能达成真正的默契,产生理想的合译作品。 The translation of cooperation in our country has been for thousands of years, and the relationship between translator and translator is the center of cooperative translation research. Cooperative translators have fit, deviation, and deformation, all based on the different stressors of different translators. The role of the original author, the original author and the reader on the translator and the interaction of the translator’s own factors formed a set of stress mechanisms between the translators. True co-operative translation is not only a fit between translators, but also the same deviation and distortion between them. Under such a mechanism, a cooperative translator can reach a true understanding and produce an ideal translated work.