我院自1984~1991年共行输卵管复通术30例,现将随访的25例报告如下: 临床资料一、对象:再婚或子女夭折、病残而年龄在24~35岁间,月经周期规律,经期、经量正常,要求生育者。二、时间:月经干净后3~7天进行。三、手术方法:于硬膜外麻醉下,沿原结扎手术切口依次切开各层,探查卵巢、输卵管、子宫,顺指板提出输卵管了解结扎部位,用生理盐水注入浆膜下以便分离;环形纵形切开输卵管浆膜层,游离出两侧输卵管断端,切除疤痕,用硬外麻醉导管自输卵管伞端通入输卵管至宫角,用7/0号无损伤尼龙线端端吻合4~6针,间断缝合输卵管浆膜层及系
In our hospital from 1984 to 1991, 30 cases of tubal recanalization, the follow-up report of 25 cases are as follows: Clinical data First, the object: remarriage or child died, sick and aged between 24 and 35 years of age, menstrual cycle , Menstrual period, the amount of normal, requiring fertility. Second, time: 3 to 7 days after menstruation clean. Third, the surgical methods: under epidural anesthesia, incision along the original ligation cut the layers in turn, probing the ovary, fallopian tube, uterus, cisplasior tubal ligation to understand the site, with saline injected into the subserosal for separation; ring Longitudinal incision tubal serosa, free off the ends of the fallopian tubes, resection of the scars, with an external hard catheter anesthesia from the fallopian tube into the fallopian tube oviduct to the uterine horn, 7/0 without damage nylon line anastomosis 4 ~ 6-pin, interrupted suture tubal serosa and lines