初中化学教学要全面贯彻教学大纲的目的要求,必须把传授知识、培养能力与进行思想品德教育有机地结合起来,智育和德育一起抓,既教书又育人。我的做法是: 一、紧密结合教材有的放矢地对学生进行思想教育我在备课中自觉地挖掘教材中的思想教育因素,做为对学生进行思想品德教育的素材。由于素材来自教材(或与教材紧密联系的内容)所以智育与德育是水乳交融的,是寓思想教育于教学
In order to fully implement the aims of the syllabus, junior middle school chemistry teaching must organically combine imparting knowledge and cultivating abilities with ideological and moral education. Intellectual education should be combined with moral education to teach and educate people. My approach is: First, closely integrate the teaching materials with targeted ideological education for students. In preparation for the lesson, I consciously dig out the ideological and educational factors in the teaching materials, and serve as the material for ideological and moral education for students. Because the material comes from teaching materials (or content that is in close contact with the teaching materials), intellectual education and moral education are a blend of water and milk, and it is a combination of ideological education and teaching.