An acid sulfate soil sample was successively extracted with deionized water, 1 mol L-1 KCl and 0.000 5 mol L-l Ca(OH)2 solutions. The results showed that only very small amounts of acidity were extracted by deionized water, possibly through slow jarosite hydrolysis. Acid release through jarosite hydrolysis was greatly enhanced by Ca(OH)2 extraction at the expense of the added OH- being neutralized by the acid released. Successive extraction of the sample with KCl removed the largest amounts of acidity from the sample. However, it is likely that the major form of acidity released by KCl extraction was exchangeable acidity. The results also show the occurrence of low or non charged Al and Fe species in water and Ca(OH)2 extracts after first a few extractions. It appears that such a phenomenon was related to a decreasing EC value with increasing number of extractions.
An acid sulfate soil sample was successively extracted with deionized water, 1 mol L-1 KCl and 0.000 5 mol Ll Ca (OH) 2 solutions. The results showed that only very small amounts of acidity were extracted by deionized water, possibly through slow jarosite hydrolysis. Acid release through jarosite hydrolysis was greatly enhanced by Ca (OH) 2 extraction at the expense of the added OH- being neutralized by the acid released. , it is likely that the major form of acidity released by KCl extraction was exchangeable acidity. The results also show the occurrence of low or non charged Al and Fe species in water and Ca (OH) 2 extracts after first a few extractions. that such a phenomenon was related to a decreasing EC value with increasing number of extractions.