In recent years, domestic on-site observations and indoor model tests have found that the back-actual measured soil pressure of the anchorage plate retaining wall is greater than the active earth pressure value calculated according to the Coulomb theory. This discovery has attracted the attention of the engineering community and is considered in the design. It is generally believed that this phenomenon is due to the fact that the relative displacement between the wall body and the soil body in the anchorage plate supporting building is constrained by tie bars and anchor plates, and the active fracture surface between the wall plate and the anchor plate is not easily formed. (After the active split plane is usually moved to the anchor plate). It is also generally believed that the wall back pressure of the anchor plate structure is between the active earth pressure and the static earth pressure. It is suggested that the Coulomb active earth pressure value be multiplied by the increase coefficient m. as the calculated soil pressure during the design of the anchorage plate retaining structure.