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10月12日,由中国糖业酒类集团公司主办,长沙市人民政府承办的“1998年秋季全国糖酒商品交易会”在长沙隆重开幕。数千只彩球在空中飞舞,长沙市大街小巷被花花绿绿的广告条幅、路牌装饰点缀一新。各参展厂家的军乐队、锣鼓队等游行队伍络绎不绝,闹得整个长沙城沸沸扬扬。据统计,本次交易会参会企业4000多家,参会人数达10万,成交额高达300多亿元。这次秋交会,是在国际经济、金融危机四起、动荡不安、国内宏观经济市场启动缓慢、行业竞争日益激烈的情况下召开的。在热闹非凡的场面背后,白酒业更多地表现出“理智与无奈”。所有参会白酒企业的整体概况可以归纳为三方面: 一、大型名酒厂家,多数在缩减各种会议投资规模,降低广告宣传及促销费用;本着节约费用、降低成本的宗旨参加会议,力争减小各种风险,以期渡过“世纪之交的最大难关”。同时,这些大企业又不得不参与这样的会议,进行 On October 12th, the “1998 National Sugar Wine Fair, sponsored by the China Sugar Industry Group Corporation and organized by the Changsha Municipal People’s Government, was grandly opened in Changsha. Thousands of colored balls fluttered in the air. The streets and alleys of Changsha City were embellished with colorful advertising banners and street signs. The parade of marching bands, drums, and drums of the participating manufacturers continued incessantly and caused the entire city of Changsha to buzz. According to statistics, there were more than 4,000 companies participating in the fair, and the number of participants was 100,000, with a turnover of more than 30 billion yuan. The Autumn Fair was held in the wake of the international economic and financial crisis, turbulence, the slow start of the domestic macroeconomic market and the increasingly fierce competition in the industry. Behind the buzzing scenes, the liquor industry showed more ”sense and helplessness.“ The overall overview of all participating liquor companies can be summarized in three aspects: 1. Large-scale wine manufacturers, most of which are reducing the scale of investment in various meetings, reducing advertising and promotion costs; participating in meetings with the purpose of cost savings and cost reduction, and strive to reduce Small risks, in order to survive ”the biggest difficulties at the turn of the century ". At the same time, these big companies have to participate in such meetings and carry out
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