目的评价喹硫平降低库欣综合征患者血清皮质醇水平的有效性。方法通过一例库欣综合征患者应用喹硫平后血清皮质醇和促肾上腺皮质激素(ACTH)水平的变化,并对喹硫平致皮质醇水平降低的相关文献进行检索分析,分析喹硫平降低皮质醇水平的机制。结果 1例44岁男性库欣综合征患者睡前服用喹硫平0.05 g后血清皮质醇水平(8am)由34.73μg·d L~(-1) 降至5.68μg·d L~(-1) ,并于喹硫平停药1 d后回升至22.96μg·d L~(-1) ;ACTH水平由用药前99.2 pg·m L~(-1) 降至74.3 pg·m L~(-1) 。查阅文献喹硫平致皮质醇水平降低的有7项研究,均以精神病患者或健康受试者为研究对象,血清皮质醇水平降幅在6.9~2.7μg·d L~(-1) 。结论喹硫平可以降低精神病患者与库欣综合征患者以及健康人群的皮质醇水平。笔者对pumed、EMbase等数据库检索,均未见相关报道,本例是笔者检索到的首例喹硫平降低库欣综合征患者的血清皮质醇水平的病例报道。
Objective To evaluate the effectiveness of quetiapine in lowering serum cortisol levels in patients with Cushing’s syndrome. Methods A case of Cushing’s syndrome patients with quetiapine serum cortisol and adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) changes in the level of quetiapine cortisol and reduce the relevant literature search and analysis of quetiapine reducing cortical Alcohol level mechanism. Results The serum cortisol level (8am) of a 44-year-old male Cushing’s syndrome decreased from 34.73μg · d L -1 to 5.68μg · d L -1 before bedtime with 0.05 g quetiapine , And returned to 22.96μg · d L -1 after quetiapine withdrawal for one day. The level of ACTH decreased from 99.2 pg · m L -1 to 74.3 pg · m L -1 ). References literature Quetiapine caused by reduced cortisol levels in seven studies, both mentally ill or healthy subjects as the object of study, serum cortisol levels decreased by 6.9 ~ 2.7μg · d L -1. Conclusion Quetiapine can reduce cortisol levels in patients with mental illness and Cushing’s syndrome as well as in healthy people. The author of pumed, EMbase and other database search, no relevant reports, this case is the first case of quetiapine I found in patients with Cushing’s syndrome to reduce serum cortisol levels in the case report.